Paper use, despite the promise of the ‘paperless office’ is still responsible for over 15 million hectares of the Earth’s forests being cleared and chipped each year. In Australia over 90% of old growth forests have been cleared or logged, and woodchipping for paper production continues to put pressure on native forests and water catchments; polluting rivers and reducing water supplies and biodiversity.
But there’s a better alternative: using 100% Recycled Paper saves resources, energy, water and native forests. One tonne of this paper can save: • 60% water use • 2.5 barrels of oil • 2.5 tonnes of greenhouse gases • 27 kgs of air pollutants • 4 cubic metres of landfill/waste • up to 17 trees.
It makes sense: ‘wastepaper’ has already been chipped, pulped and made into paper. It embodies a large amount of process energy, water and timber. Why throw it away to rot in landfill when it can be given new life by simply repulping it and putting it through the paper machine again? Paper fibres can be recycled up to 7 times before they become too short to be reused, but there is always fresh fibre coming into the system.
A wide range of Recycled Paper products such as Copy and Printing paper, Notebooks, cards, envelopes, notepads, sticky promo notes, presentation folders, etc are now available to buy in recycled paper at BuyEcoGreen.
Many of these can also be printed with your logo and other information – you can see a range of recycled promotional products at EcoPromotions.